Braces aren’t just for kids!

5 Reasons Adults Have Something to Smile About

Did you know braces aren’t just for kids? Not anymore! Today, close to 1.7 million Americans and Canadians over 18 wear braces, according to the American Association of Orthodontists.

The fact is you’re never too old for orthodontic treatment. Teeth can move at any age. Maybe you had straight teeth when you were younger, but they’ve shifted and become crowded as you’ve aged. Braces can correct these changes. Or maybe you’ve always had bad bite, but never did anything about it. It’s not too late!

Your orthodontist will examine your teeth and mouth closely and develop a customized plan that’s right for you. If you’re worried about wearing metal brackets, don’t be. Adults today have two less noticeable options:

  • Invisalign. Invisalign is the brand name for clear aligners. They’re not traditional braces, but they do deliver gentle pressure to move teeth. As the name implies, these aligners are practically invisible.
  • Clear braces. Clear braces are tooth-colored (ceramic) brackets that move teeth much like traditional, metal braces. They come with clear or tooth-colored wires, too.

Even with those two options, you may still wonder about getting braces as an adult. Consider these 5 reasons:

  1. Curb oral health problems. Crowded teeth raise your risk for plaque buildup, gum disease, tooth decay, gum and bone loss, temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ/TMD) and irregular wear and tear.
  2. Bypass other health issues. Problems with your teeth can also lead to headaches, earaches or digestive issues.
  3. You can afford them! Your health and dental insurance may cover part of the cost or you may earn enough to save and pay for them out of pocket. Our orthodontist office also offers financing.
  4. Enjoy your smile for a lifetime. Americans are living longer with their choppers intact. Senior adults in their 60s and 70s are investing in braces. Why not live the rest of your life with a picture-perfect smile?
  5. Make your smile worthwhile. Do you avoid smiling because you have crooked teeth or suffer from jaw pain? Braces will help you face your fears and live life to its fullest. Now that’s something to smile about!

Make an appointment with an orthodontist today!

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